Wingello State Forest, New South Wales

Wingello State Forest includes pine plantation and hardwood forest with stands of peppermint, manna gum and stringybarks. It is popular with mountain bike riders, camper and hikers . Forests in this area are a mixture of pine plantations and native forests. The first radiata pines were planted in this area in Belanglo State Forest in 1919. Today there are around 3,500 hectares of commercial pine plantations in the southern highlands with timber being processed at a local mill.

This program is set like a Rogaine. Regaining is an orienteering sport of long distance navigation, involving both route planning and navigation between checkpoints using a variety of map types. The participants choose which checkpoints to visit within a time limit with the intent of maximizing their score. Teamwork, endurance, competition and an appreciation for the natural environment are features of the sport.

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