YouthAdvance Funding Application

Disadvantaged Youth Project Funding – APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – Australia has received funding from the Federal Government to financially support Award Participants who are considered disadvantaged and/or living with a disability. If you think you might need funding to complete your Award, please ask your Award Leader.

Funding is limited and cannot be guaranteed, but all applications will be considered, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria.

Funding Questionnaire

"*" indicates required fields

Participant Name*
Application Details:
Is the participant living with a physical and/or intellectual disability?*
Please select all that apply
Does the participant identify as Indigenous (Aboriginal and/or Torres Straight Islander)?*
Funding Criteria Note that the participant must meet at least two (2) disadvantaged criteria to progress this application.
Which of the following apply to the participant? (Select all that apply)*
*Note that this may encompass people of non-english speaking background; born outside of Australia; English is second language; certain religious affiliations
Does the participant experience any mental health challenges?*
Additional evidence (e.g. School Card/Centrelink reference, healthcare card, disability support card) may be requested or approved by the State/Territory Office or Award Centre to ensure the funding eligibility of any Participant.